Free Returns
Free Returns
To guarantee customer satisfaction, we offer free returns for the products that for some reasons did not met our customer's expectations.
You can create a return request right from your customer account.
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of We are working hard to launch an enhanced experience for our merchants & members. With your help, we will be one step closer. WeSave is a first-of-its-kind fractional ownership weCommerceâ„¢ company. Learn more about our SEC Offerings and join us as an early-stage investor.
Investing in private placements and start-ups is risky and may result in the loss of your entire investment. Offers are only made through official documents, and investors should review them carefully, conduct due diligence, and consult professionals
To guarantee customer satisfaction, we offer free returns for the products that for some reasons did not met our customer's expectations.
You can create a return request right from your customer account.